Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why you need to register a domain name on blogger

Why you need to have a domain name and register it on blogger

Having a blog on blogger gives room for lot of free stuffs, the hosting on blogger is free, but you will have blogspot on your pages, like

You can buy a custom domain through blogger or you can host your existing URL ( or

You can change your publishing option at any time, and your content will always remain unaltered regardless of which of these options you choose. Like I have said it’s totally free to use blogger with blogspot at the end, but would not give respect and freedom to use some stuffs such free email addresses, space for your web pages, free scripts for blogging, forums, social etc. 

It makes your blog to look more professional and you can add cool stuffs from Google application.

So you have to learn how to change your custom domain now. Its only $10 per year which I think it’s reasonably cheap and $10 can be deducted from you Adsense account yearly. You can also pay with your debit or credit card. I think Google is giving a lot of freedom here. Click now to add Custom Domain 


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